Trusted. Pragmatic. Credible.

Co-creating a sustainability framework

Through our co-creation phase with industry experts and partners we have designed a Sustainability Framework.

The framework sets out the different sustainability topics we collectively believe are important for the Ag and Food industry.

For each topic we intend to co-develop an aligned methodology and set of metrics which are robust, pragmatic and enabled by traceability. The result is a more efficient, comparable, aggregated and impactful solution for measuring sustainability performance by and for the industry.

Our Sustainability Framework

Carbon emissions

Carbon sequestration

Energy consumption and transition



Healthy soils



Waste water



Child protection

Forced labour




Health & nutrition (inc. WASH)

Education (incl. GAP)

Equipment & infrastructure

Land rights

Farmer income

Income diversification


Financing & market access

Worker health & safety


Collective bargaining/
freedom of associations

Living income/ wage

Metrics and Methodology Resources 

Download our aligned methodology and metrics documents as well as more resources on our approach to risk, EUDR and broader sustainability.

Our Methodology Governance 

Through a comprehensive consultation process with a broad group of experts from the private sector, academia and civil society we ensure our methodologies and metrics are credible, viable and aligned.

Refine rather than recreate

We start with broad research to consolidate existing methodologies and metrics used in the sector drawing on: benchmarks, certifications, legislation, other coalitions, industry working groups are more.

Prepare collaboratively and comprehensively

We consult with advisors to objectively assess industry best practice and pinpoint where consensus is still needed. We use our research, consultations and industry specific material to prepare discussions and considerations for TWG decisions.

Run Technical Working Groups

We bring together subject matter experts & practitioners from within 10-15 companies to develop, deliberate and endorse methodologies and metrics for each topic. TWGs have so far covered: traceability, carbon, deforestation, EUDR, forced labour and child protection.

Engage with Sector Experts

We check-in with trusted experts from academia, specialized consultancies and NGOs to provide input to TWGs discussions and endorse the outcome.

Implement the Decisions

We digitise the aligned methodologies and metrics in our platform so that the entire food & ag industry can use them to reach their business and sustainability goals faster.

Join a Technical Working Group and help shape the future of sustainability.

Collaborating with the sector

Creating one common language for sustainability measurement with our established sustainability partners, collaborators and consultants keep us accountable, honest and objective.